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2011年2月1日 星期二

Lawyer drops suit MBTA

Richard ware is Herald new "T" beat reporter, covers a system of subway and buses moving 1.3 million people every day and is the lifeblood of the city. He served as Chief Herald City Hall reporter for breaking stories about Government waste and corruption.

Personal injury lawyers who sued one contestant after copy vinderbinder bus far away from his client.

Lawyer Timothy Roach from Dane sholman Associates yesterday after a video apparently shows his MBTA and several other passengers flinching hardly as a route bus car sidisoibid 28 Nov in roxbury "dropping the case".

The Herald's front-page said Friday that the Director-General Richard t, Devi battling a surge in claims payments, eliminating expensive suits for fraud using surveillance cameras installed in bus to target fraudulent injury riders secondary vinderbinders.

In one video made the Herald, seen many men who safely after car hits bus smiling and talking on cell phones and then snap the floor seats in unison.

Roche has filed a claim against MBTA on December 21, on behalf of his client's claim for injury "neck, back, shoulder, eye," Nov. 27 in a bus accident. No longer client message left yesterday the Herald.

But her lawyer after studying video and identify his client, he concluded that it was not injured.

Roche said "Unfortunately the video to others and my clients have done what was supposed to in examination of the case," he said, adding that he relies on his word and police took a report indicating that she and five passengers in an ambulance to a local hospital.

"Justice," Davie yesterday when he was yet another lawyer on the case.

Last week, rush said he didn't think the bus camera videos would act as a deterrent against false allegations, citing tough against infection of MBTA bus called as sufficient deterrent.

But yesterday was a change in attitude.

"Honestly, this many time lost the paperwork involved. "I am not satisfied that these videos because it makes my life easier. If someone wants to come and tell me a story, I'll say ' you better tell me truth, because they'll be video of you if this happened or didn't happen. " ”

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